
Things to think about when preparing for move in day

Know the details for moving into an apartment. 记住,让房东回答你的搬家问题.

在你搬家之前,确保你知道所有必要的细节. Packing up your possessions, transporting them safely, 临时储存——在这个日期之前,没有什么事情是没有计划的,你所有的问题都应该得到回答. Most importantly, 你和你的房东讨论的一切都应该包括在你的租赁协议中.

Things to do when moving into an apartment

  • Make sure your renters insurance is in place. 房东的pp王者电子官网通常不包括房客的财产. Coverage for property damage and loss, such as theft, vandalism and fire, is entirely up to the tenant. Without renters insurance 从像State Farm®这样的公司,你可能要自己承担损失的经济负担. 确保你的政策是有效的,在移动的一天,你有足够的 renters insurance coverage. You may consider contacting a State Farm agent to make sure your insurance needs are covered.
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  • Confirm your move in date. 询问是否有其他租客和你同一天搬进这栋楼(如果你的房东在你的楼里拥有多个单元)。. 此外,要小心假期和社区活动. 假期可能会给你多几天的时间搬家,但也是一个流行的搬家时间. Community events might cause traffic issues.

  • Ask about new locks. It's usually the landlord's responsibility to change the locks between tenants. 即使以前的租户返回了他们的钥匙,也可能会有重复的钥匙在周围浮动. 如果你的房东不打算换锁,你应该要求他或她这样做. 房东通常会在现场保留钥匙的副本(以防锁门)。. If they have copies of keys on-site, 它们应该放在单独的锁箱里,这样如果其他房客被锁在外面, they don't gain access to your key.

  • Make sure you have the keys. 询问房东你何时以及如何收到钥匙. 在搬家之前,确保你有钥匙(而且钥匙还能用). 按小时付费给搬家公司而无法进入你的新公寓是很不幸的.

  • Ask about what the landlord did to prepare the unit. 你的房东可能会打扫房间,你通常可以协商你的 decorating ideas (like painting) before moving in. 如果你希望在搬进来之前完成某些任务, make sure you add them to your rental agreement, especially if there are major renovations.

  • Consider a moving pod. Moving pods 大型存储容器是否放置在车道或停车场,为您提供灵活性 pack and unpack at your leisure. 移动豆荚公司让你选择集装箱的大小和你需要它的时间长度. Your cost is based on what you select and distance traveled. 和你的房东核实一下,确保他们对你把它们放在公寓的停车场感到满意.

  • Find out the best way to move in. 和房东谈谈应该使用哪些门/电梯, 以及停放移动卡车或放置移动吊舱的最佳地点. 大型建筑可能有一个通往服务电梯的装卸码头(你的房东应该告诉你去哪里). For smaller buildings, your landlord will likely advise you to use an alley, 一个特定的停车位,或者帮你为你的卡车挡住路边的空间. 向房东寻求指导,以确保你在搬家时一切顺利.

  • 确保你知道如果事情没有按计划进行该怎么做. 弄清楚如果你被锁在外面或者不小心在墙上钻了一个洞,你应该怎么做. Some landlords have a 24-hour locksmith service on call. It's more common, however, 房东将你的公寓钥匙副本保存在物业上(通常放在一个锁箱里). 如果有什么问题,你应该立即通知房东.

It is key to prepare questions to ask your landlord, but it's also important to pay attention to the answers. 你的新房东应该以一种有益的方式回答你所有的问题. 不要害怕要求进一步的解释或要求你所需要的. It's better to communicate your needs before you sign the rental agreement. And remember, 你的租赁协议应该是彻底的,准确地反映你的房东的答案.

本文中的信息来自与State Farm无关的各种来源® (包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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