

From riding tips to motorcycle awareness, you can help make the road 安全r with these habits.

开阔的道路可以是一次冒险. 你永远不知道会发生什么, so try to be prepared for whatever the road has in store for you.

Whatever type of ride you prefer, sharing the road is essential. Here are some motorcycle 安全ty tips to help keep yourself and your passengers 安全.


  • 骑摩托车时不同的安全方法
  • 给汽车司机的摩托车意识提示



考虑联系你的 州的DMV 学习获得摩托车执照的要求. 同时,联系你的朋友也很重要 pp王者电子官网公司 关于 摩托车pp王者电子官网 和不同的 覆盖选项 这可能是可行的.


考虑参加实践培训课程. 这对新手和有经验的车手都是有益的. Attending advanced riding classes may help you with tips for braking techniques, 避碰 难以转弯.


穿 防护装备,并确保乘客也受到保护. 摩托车头盔, padded or layered clothing, gloves and eyewear can all help reduce injury. A helmet is not required in every state but is strongly recommended. Helmets are vital for 安全 riding and may help protect you from a serious b雨 injury.


思考 检查你的摩托车 often to confirm lights, turn signals, mirrors, brakes and fuel are in good shape before you ride. 考虑选择一个 装有防抱死制动系统(ABS)的自行车 因为它有助于防止车轮锁住和打滑.


Balance, coordination and good judgement are all parts of being 安全 on a motorcycle. Alcohol or prescription or over-the-counter medications can affect how you ride. 永远清醒地骑行.


当你在路上的时候,要专心并留心 其他司机. Don't forget to be courteous and respectful of other motorists and share the road. 除了, 小心坑洼和油污之类的东西, gravel and sand as those can be dangerous and may cause you to lose traction or control of your motorcycle.


大型车辆通常比摩托车更容易看到. Drivers might have more difficulty seeing motorcycles due to their size. 作为骑手, think 关于 taking 安全ty measures to be more visible including wearing bright colors and using your headlights and turn signals. 避免进入其他司机的盲区.


跟在前面车辆后面,保持安全距离. 在恶劣的天气条件下留出更多的时间和距离, 交通拥挤 当你接近弯道和十字路口时.


Follow the rules of the road and obey traffic laws — especially speed limits and the use of turn signals. Try to stay in your lane — as opposed to driving on the shoulder or lane-splitting — because other motorists are more likely to see you when you're in a travel lane. 还要考虑学习的规则 骑双 在搭载乘客之前.


恶劣的天气条件 , ice and fog can make your motorcycle riding experience challenging. 除了 to being cold, you might have a harder time controlling your motorcycle. Bad weather might cause it to be more difficult for other 车辆s to see you. Consider checking the weather forecast before riding your motorcycle to avoid possible dangerous situations while on the road.



If you're in a car, it is good practice to be alert for motorcyclists. Respectfully share the road with them by being courteous and using turn signals to change lanes or when 汇入车流.

While on the road, check mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes. Watch for motorcycles with turn signals flashing and wait until they turn or the driver turns the signal off because unlike cars, 摩托车的信号并不总是自动取消的. Also watch for sudden moves by motorcyclists due to road hazards, such as dodging potholes or debris.

除了, respecting the speed limit, not driving under the influence, 防御性驾驶培训 and avoiding distractions while at the wheel may help you in keeping everyone around you, 包括摩托车手, 安全.


When following a motorcycle, travel at a 安全 distance, recommended to be three or four seconds. They can stop quicker than a car, and you need to be ready to stop, too.

不要和摩托车共用车道. Even though they are smaller, motorcyclists are entitled to their own lane like all other 车辆s.

Using these tips is a good starting point — and you can learn more by reading 关于 如何避免摩托车意外骑双 和其他 摩托车的见解.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 国营农场® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 国营农场 makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.






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