Woman driving distracted with cell phone

Driving distractions and how to avoid them


Distracted driving statistics

In early 2023, 状态 Farm® 我对司机进行了一项调查,发现驾照少于5年的司机更有可能在开车时玩手机.

Did you know texting is not the only driving distraction?

根据美国交通管理局的数据,2021年,3522人死于与司机分心有关的车祸 National Highway Traffic 安全 Administration. 发短信 while driving 是最危险的司机分心之一,但它不是唯一的.

Driving distractions to avoid

  1. 发短信. In nearly every state, texting while driving is against the law for all drivers. 阅读或发送短信可以等到你到达目的地.
  2. 梳理. Pressed for time, some people conduct grooming activities in the car, such as putting on makeup or using an electric shaver. 帮你自己和其他司机一个忙,在家里完成早上的例行程序.
  3. 吃 and drinking. Your steaming cup of coffee could spill, 或者配料可能会从你的三明治里滑出来——当你开车和吃饭的时候,任何数量的干扰都可能出现. Stay safer by saving the refreshments until you're parked.
  4. Monitoring passengers. 照顾后座上的孩子可能会分散注意力,尤其是蹒跚学步的孩子. 安全驾驶 报告称,孩子的父母在开车时管理玩具或孩子电子产品的可能性要高出40%. 80%的父母承认会给孩子喝饮料,78%的父母会给孩子吃零食. 同时,拥有一个 pet in your lap can interfere with safe driving.
  5. 伸长脖子看热闹的. 减速看交通事故可能会导致你自己的事故. 长时间看广告牌、街道地址或壮丽的山景也是如此.
  6. Listening to music and infotainment systems. 把收音机开得太大声或戴上耳机会分散你对道路的注意力. 的se distractions reduce the likelihood you'll hear car horns, emergency 车辆s or other key noises. 类似的, with cars getting smarter, DVD players in the back and other passenger devices, 可能来自汽车各个部分的声音比以往任何时候都要多.
  7. Watching or recording videos. 开车时观看或录制视频会让你的视线离开道路. 等到你到达目的地后再观看或录制视频.
  8. 做白日梦. 如果你曾经意识到你刚刚错过了一个出口,因为你没有注意, you've experienced a common distraction: daydreaming. 开车时不要打瞌睡,把注意力放在路上. 试着改变你通常的驾驶路线——风景和交通状况的变化可以帮助你保持警觉.
  9. 打瞌睡. According to a poll by the National Sleep Foundation, an estimated 60% of Americans have admitted to driving while drowsy, and 25% have nodded off behind the wheel. If you feel sleepy, pull over. Find a safe place w在这里 you can walk around to rouse yourself, switch drivers or nap before you resume driving.

As part of National Distracted Driving month in April 2021, SADD(反对破坏性决定的学生)和一些州立农场的工作人员录制了安全驾驶的视频. 这些建议可以帮助青少年在开车之前和开车期间做出明智的决定. Take a look at the videos:


  1. 发短信. 的 Federal Motor Carrier 安全 Administration 禁止司机在驾驶商用机动车时发短信.
  2. Outside distractions. 尽量不要让你的注意力转移到车外的事情上, such as billboards or other people.
  3. Communication devices. While these systems can help drivers communicate and navigate, they can be dangerous while your 车辆 is in motion. 开车时使用收音机或其他通讯系统会让你的眼睛和手离开道路, increasing your risk of a collision.
  4. Holding or reading maps. 而回顾你的路线和笔记对顺利旅行很重要, save it for when you are at a rest stop. 不要冒险把你的注意力从道路上转移开,去拿地图看吗. While GPS systems are generally considered safer, do not try to input information in the GPS while driving.
  5. 吃. 开车时吃喝会让你的眼睛和手离开方向盘, which is dangerous for you and the drivers around you. Take a minute to safely enjoy your meal while stopped.
  6. 乏力. 司机应遵守公司的具体指导方针以及州和/或 Department of Transportation regulations regarding the maximum number of hours to operate a 车辆. 这可以帮助你避免疲劳,更容易卷入撞车事故.
  7. Stay safe behind the wheel with more safe driving tips from 状态 Farm.

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